Knauf system W315 и W365
Internal partition walls

Internal partition walls

Knauf system W315 и W365

Knauf system W315 и W365

Fields of Application

  • Walls in rooms with limited human presence, for eg. living residences, hotels, administrative buildings and hospitals, including the corridors and similar areas.
  • Walls in rooms with increased human presence, for eg. Board rooms, study halls, concert halls, showrooms, commercial premises as well as premises with level floor difference ≥ 1 m (fall protection).

Description of the product

Walls with a double metal stud frame


Cladding Profile Thickness
Rw (dB)
12,5 mm Vidifire A1 2xCW75 181 60   EI 60
2x12,5 mm Vidiwall 2xCW50 155 50 67  
2x12,5 mm Vidiwall 2xCW75 205 50 68 EI 90
2x12,5 mm Vidiwall 2xCW100 255 50 69
12,5 mm Vidiwall +
12,5 mm board type F
2xCW50 155 2x50 62  
12,5 mm Vidiphonic +
12,5 mm board type А
2xCW75 203 2x60 68
12,5 mm Vidiphonic +
12,5 mm board type F
2xCW75 203 2x60 71
2x12,5 mm Vidiphonic 2xCW75 203 2x60 71


Technical Brochure-W36
Knauf System W365 - CAD details

Products with Knauf system W315 и W365